World Cup soccer fans, Milwaukee LGBTQ community react to FIFA banishment of 'One Love' armband

NOW: World Cup soccer fans, Milwaukee LGBTQ community react to FIFA banishment of ’One Love’ armband

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Monday, Nov. 21, several European teams playing in the World Cup games in Qatar are scrapping their plans of wearing LGBTQ "One Love" armbands.

The International Federation of Association Football (FIFA), the governing body of soccer, said players sporting the bands of visibility for the LGBTQ community would be penalized.

The governing body threatened to yellow card, potentially suspend, and fine players who wore the armbands.

This move comes just days after a gunman opened fire on a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs.

One soccer fan at Highbury pub in Milwaukee's Bay View neighborhood told us he agrees with FIFA, saying there is a time and a place for everything.

"It's kind of like church and state. Politics and sports, I don’t know, keep them separate. We do that 9-5 Monday through Friday, we don’t need it Saturday and Sunday either," said Taylor Schmidt, a USA soccer fan.

Members of the LGBTQ community in Milwaukee are still grappling with the Colorado Springs shooting.

"My immediate emotions was deep anger and sorrow, common sense gun laws should no longer be debated," said Justin Roby, director of prevention care and empowerment services at Diverse and Resilient.

Roby now putting a call to action, asking to be seen and understood.

"We are asking for empathy and what we are going through, and for you to give us dignity in our daily lives," said Roby.

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