Giant inflatable shaped like a baby makes US debut on Milwaukee's lakefront

NOW: Giant inflatable shaped like a baby makes US debut on Milwaukee’s lakefront

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A Polish publication is celebrating its birth into the U.S. market and encouraging people to seek their inner-child.

The magazine is all about creativity. It's at Veterans Park was definitely creative. They launched a 112-foot inflatable baby.

A rainy afternoon cleared up just in time to wow the crowd at Veterans Park on Friday, June 21.

"It's almost poetic how it just started opening up before the performance started," said Jamie Nelson from Milwaukee.

"I don't think any of us have seen anything like this before," said Kendall Morgan from Milwaukee.

A choir mimics the coos and cries of a newborn baby as hot air fills a 112-foot inflatable baby, marking the birth of Przekroj into the U.S.

"We like to say that it's hard to pronounce, but easy to read," said Maria Kozak, editor at large, Przekroj.

The magazine has deep roots in Poland, even surviving the Cold War with sections on philosophy, art, literature, science, travel and humor.

"We thought the baby was the perfect symbol because babies are pure untapped potential. You know they're unprogrammed, they're unbiased, they're free of this pain, shame and programming and limiting beliefs that we acquire as adults," said Kozak.

Maria Kozak says the magazine will start selling online subscriptions in the U.S. They've definitely captured the attention of Milwaukee with the launch and all the free give aways.

"I got this one. It's got, I guess this is one of their old covers. It's got a rabbit animal, I'm like 'this could go on my wall,'" said Nelson.

The editor tells us they chose Milwaukee for their launch because of the city's strong Polish American ties.

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