Are you excited for the RNC?: A question CBS 58 took to the streets

NOW: Are you excited for the RNC?: A question CBS 58 took to the streets

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- The Republican National Convention (RNC) is less than a week away. As fences and barricades go up near the convention's perimeter, CBS 58 decided to ask people if they were excited about the RNC.

We took to the streets to ask the big question. It's a simple one, but the answers could be endless. To get them, we started in the heart of Milwaukee -- downtown. 

As expected, we got a variety of answers: "Yeah, I think it’s great for the city.” “Not looking forward to it at all.” “We like him as much as he likes Milwaukee.”

But what about the people coming to Milwaukee specifically for the RNC? So, we headed to the place where Milwaukee begins -- the airport.

We struck out there -- but got a variety of answers, again: “I think it’ll bring a lot of people down here, so it's exciting.” “I’m happy they’re here.” "Nope."

What about the people who live and work near the convention? Glorian Konieczny, a resident who lives near the convention center, says it's been hard to go about her daily routine.

“Every time I turn down the street, I’m faced with road closures and things like that, so that's been incredibly difficult," said Konieczny.

Jimmy Robertson, an employee nearby, says the RNC hasn't felt real to him until now.

“I thought it was just gonna be increased security, but when the fencing came in, that’s when it became real," said Robertson.

There's one thing for sure though, people want to see the dollars the RNC will bring in. 

“As someone who’s lived in Milwaukee most of my life, it’s really cool to see all of the hustle and bustle and all of the people it’ll hopefully bring to the city and bring a lot of tourism and things like that I think will be really nice," said Konieczny.

So, with less than a week to prepare, there's no doubt the RNC will get a variety of opinions when it kicks off next Monday, July 15.

Meantime, how well do you think you know Milwaukee? Whether you're a lifelong resident, a recent transplant or perhaps among the many who are visiting the city for the first time, there is a lot of fun, historic trivia about the storied city of Milwaukee. Take our quiz HERE and see how you score! 

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