Bay View mother, daughter use painted rocks to spread inspirational messages for the new year

NOW: Bay View mother, daughter use painted rocks to spread inspirational messages for the new year

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A Bay View mom and daughter are ringing in the new year with an act of kindness, and they're asking others to join them in a little art project they hope will touch strangers in 2025.

Taylor Gniot had a little surprise when she got home from college on winter break.

"I wasn't the most interested in it because I wanted to just kind of relax over break," said Taylor.

Taylor's mom, Nancy, had started painting rocks with inspirational messages. Her intention, to scatter them for people to randomly find in St. Francis and Bay View, where Nancy grew up.

"You know, we have a lot of bad things that happen in our neighborhoods this time of year, and this is just to kind of give us hope for 2025," said Nancy Gniot.

Nancy hoped the two of them could do it together, spreading holiday cheer, and maybe also getting others involved.

"Inspirational pieces of just wanting to bring the new year and people together. I understood it more when she started talking to me about it," said Taylor.

The Gniots posted their invitation on Facebook, asking others to paint rocks too, and include an inspirational word on each.

"There's some that say, "hope," "peace." I think that's really inspirational. It's something that we truly do need in this new year is a lot of hope and peace," said Taylor Gniot.

The Gniots plan to hide the rocks around Bay View and St. Francis.

"I hope it does brighten somebody's day," said Nancy Gniot.

There's emotion in her voice as Nancy tells us she hopes the words may be just what the finder is needing in that moment.

"There are a lot of people that are struggling, and those inner demons sometimes get the best of us, and I would rather try to inspire somebody with a kind word or motivation just to have them hang on a little longer, that it will get better," said Nancy.

It's easy -- just take your painted rock to the Citgo gas station at Howard and Clement and drop it in the box.

"Let's keep it going, cause it doesn't cost anything. You can find rocks everywhere, just look in your alley," laughed Nancy.

Her Facebook post says the collection will end on Jan. 1, but she's decided as long as people are dropping off rocks at the Citgo drop box, she'll keep it going.
