Brian Zalewski sworn in as new police chief in the Village of Butler

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BUTLER, Wis. (CBS 58) -- A new police chief has been sworn in during a Thursday, Feb. 15 ceremony in the Village of Butler.
The swearing in ceremony was standing room only at the Butler Village Hall as new police chief Brian Zalewski has become only the eighth police chief in Butler's history.
He spoke about his commitment to the community at the ceremony, saying, "Why we care so much about those that may be underprivileged, those that may be in need, those that have nowhere else to turn at times other than the police, and that's our role in society and for us here in the Village of Butler."
Zalewski previously served Butler as captain since 2020. Prior to that, Zalewski was a captain with the Wauwatosa Police Dept.
Outgoing chief Dave Wentlandt's last day is Friday, Feb. 16.