Brown figurine hanging by pink looped ribbon found in Milwaukee fire station; charges forthcoming

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- An investigation was launched after a brown figurine found hanging by a pink looped ribbon in a Milwaukee Fire Department station. Officials say it was found on Feb. 13. 

According to the Milwaukee Fire Department Administration, the investigation resulted in the identification of numerous members of the Milwaukee Fire Department -- from the ranks of lieutenant, captain, battalion chief, and deputy chief -- who were aware of or should have been aware of the potential controversy created in the workplace from the display. 

Authorities say based upon the facts uncovered in the investigation, charges have been drawn up and are scheduled to be finalized this week. Additionally, the Milwaukee Fire Department Administration says numerous members will have letters of reprimand placed in their files, memorializing their failure to maintain good order.

A news release from the Milwaukee Fire Department Association says, "While the investigation’s findings do not reveal a deliberate or intentional racist or sexist intent, nor an effort to target any individual member or group,it is no small matter that our failure, collectively, to maintain and reinforce an environment and culture within which an occurrence such as this would instantly be questioned and stopped, bears much responsibility for this. The Milwaukee Fire Department finds any word, action, or deed which negatively impacts any of our members (or members of the many vibrant communities we serve) based upon age, culture, ethnicity, race, religious expression, sexual orientation, gender expression, or the expression of unique philosophies and ideas, in a word, reprehensible."

Read the entire release from the Milwaukee Fire Department Association below: 

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