MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Some of you are really excited for Valentine's Day, but for those of you who aren't, businesses big and small have your back.
An animal rescue in Michigan will name a feral cat after your ex, then neuter it.
On the weekend before Valentine's Day, Junk King Milwaukee will dump your ex's belongings for free, and make a donation to the American Heart Association.
Pizza Hut is offering a "Goodbye Pie" as a way to break the bad news to your soon-to-be not-valentine.
We wondered if a "breakup pizza" was a good way to soften the blow, or in bad taste?
Annie Brauer told us "It depends on how involved you were, I think there are worse ways."
While Anita Deckemme said she "would probably be so sick to my stomach I wouldn't eat it."
Is there a right way to break up with someone?
Payrris Jefferson said a "Goodbye Pie" shouldn't be necessary, both sides of a couple should see the split coming "people should know when people don't want to be with them anymore, their energy, you shouldn't really have to tell somebody."
If you want more details on Pizza Hut's promotion, go here.