Catapult Ride in Wisconsin Dells Breaks moments before Liftoff
The catapult ride at Mt. Olympus amusement park will be removed following a near disaster.
Dru Larson was shooting video of his 13-year-old son, Trevor and a mom as the ride was about to begin. Seconds before liftoff a cable that was supposed to launch them about 200 feet in the air at 60 miles per hour snapped.
“I was numb. You saw this cable and this metal piece coming at your son, and you were expecting your son to go in the air and all of a sudden this was coming back at you,” said Dru.
The owner of Mt. Olympus offered the family their money back and tokens for a different ride. Mt. Olympus is now asking the operator of the catapult ride to remove it from the park. Trevor, while shaken up, is doing just fine, “someone was definitely looking out for me and Carrie. But I mean, I still want to ride it,” said Trevor.