CBS 58 Hometowns: Oak Creek Cheer Team

CBS 58 Hometowns: Oak Creek Cheer Team

OAK CREEK, WI (CBS 58) -- The Oak Creek High School cheer team members are more than just sideline supporters-- they're hometown champions, lifting up both their school and each other. 

The team is rooted in passion and community spirit. CBS 58's Morning Anchor Alex Corradetti shows you what they're made of in this special Hometowns report. 

The cheer team at Oak Creek dedicated to fostering school spirit and promoting sportsmanship within the student body and the broader community. As they say, “It’s always a great day to be a Knight!” 

We spoke to Head Cheer Coach Cassy Wroblewski, who says she has deep roots with Oak Creek. 

"This was where I was cheering all throughout high school. I loved the sport, and I knew when I was on the team, I wanted to be a coach one day. I've seen this team grow so much over the past several years. Having our first male cheerleader was a big milestone for our team and this will be the first year we compete co-ed. Everyone brings something different to our team and we want to highlight that in any way possible that we can," said Wroblewski. 

Their season starts in May and runs through the end of March, the team practices diligently from Tuesday through Thursday from 4-6 pm.

They cheer at all home and away football games in the fall and cheer at all Friday home basketball games during the winter.

Corradetti also spoke with Karmyn Manriquez, a Senior Captain of the team. 

"We have 17 team members total; I love working with every single one of them, especially the new freshman we have 9 freshmen! We always do our stunts multiple times, getting multiple reps to make sure we are ready for competition season. I love being a spirt raiser, I love encouraging the crowd and being excited about what's going on," said Manriquez. 

The team is currently getting ready for their competition season, which begins at the end of November. Their routines have been choreographed by Head Cheer Coach Cassy Wroblewski and Assistant Coach Haley Borkowski. The team has crafted dynamic routines, with choreography sessions that highlight their creativity and teamwork.

Finally, we spoke with Junior Captain, Audrey Nadolny.

"My role is just to encourage my team and push them! We practice three times a week, two hours, sometimes extra! On Fridays we have the games. It's a lot of work but I think each week we see it makes us better. My favorite part is just the friendships that we make all my friends, I love everybody. It's just a lot of fun to just leave the mat and you feel like you did it with your best friends," explained Nadolny. 

In recent years, the team has been successful in the small varsity division. In 2023, they celebrated an undefeated competition season, taking first place at all local contests. They also took home the WACPC State title in both 2022 and 2023 including earning the highest scores across all divisions.

Oak Creek Cheer Team celebrating 2023 win! Oak Creek Cheer Team Facebook

Last season marked a milestone for the team as they welcomed their first male athlete. This will be their first year competing in the Small Varsity COED division and the Small Varsity Game Day division. The coaches say they are excited to be showcasing our athletes' diverse talents.

The team is eagerly preparing for their first competition on Saturday, November 23rd, at Menomonee Falls, where we hope to continue our success in a new division, Small Varsity COED.

If you would like to cheer on the team online, their social media links are below: 

Follow the team's progress on Facebook here!

You can follow the team on Instagram here! 

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