CBS 58 takes its 58 Things Challenge to Cirque at the Fair

NOW: CBS 58 takes its 58 Things Challenge to Cirque at the Fair

WEST ALLIS, Wis. (CBS 58) -- This is the third year in a row that CBS 58 has attempted to do a fun fair staple 58 times. Last year, CBS 58's Mike Curkov went around the Wonder Fair Wheel 58 times; and the year before, he went down the giant slide 58 times.

This year, in honor of Cirque at the Fair returning for the first time in 17 years, we decided to pull out our best circus act. CBS 58's Amanda Becker probably won't be joining the circus anytime soon after attempting to land a hat on the Remarkable Renaldo's head 58 times. 

Watch below to see how it went. 

Entry to Cirque at the Fair is included with entry to the Wisconsin State Fair. 

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