Cudahy lifts pit bull restrictions

NOW: Cudahy lifts pit bull restrictions

CUDAHY, Wis. (CBS 58) – Cudahy has lifted strict pit bull ordinances in the city.  

The Cudahy Common Council has lifted a long-list of pit bull restrictions in the city. The decade-old restrictions include things like the types of leashes pit bulls can have, requiring the dogs to wear bright orange collars, and owners having to pay a special annual $50 permit.

“I think they shouldn't have had the regulations in the first place because dogs are dogs and it doesn't matter what breed they are,” Dog Owner Cindy Randall said.

Cudahy Aldermen say the common council voted on lifting the ordinances because they weren’t able to enforce them.

“There was just a lot of ordinances that was not enforceable and what we basically did was clean up the regulations,” Alderman Mike Johnson said.

In neighboring St. Francis, pit bulls are banned altogether. Milwaukee requires pit bull owners to do things like train their dogs in a class, have specific fences and special leash lengths. Over in South Milwaukee, the city lifted their pit bull ban two years ago.

“I think that any breed could be a dangerous dog depending on how it’s raised so I think breed-specific legislation is wrong,” Dog Owner Mallory Davis said.

The changes in Cudahy bring a sigh of relief for local pit bull owners.

“It's a good sign that people are finally changing their attitudes that they're not all vicious and they don't all attack people and they're really good dogs,” Pit Bull Owner Mike Ford said.

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