Dallet and Screnock face off in Supreme Court Candidate Forum
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) – The candidates for Wisconsin’s Supreme Court race appeared together in Milwaukee.
Rebecca Dallet and Michael Screnock are running for a 10-year term on the Wisconsin Supreme Court and on Monday, they answered questions at a forum run by the Milwaukee Bar Association.
The closing statements for the two judges restated themes that came up several times during the forum.
“We need stability and predictability in the law that we only have when we have justices that will simply uphold the rule of law, do the research, go where the law takes them and not be partisan activists,/” said Judge Michael Screnock, candidate for Wisconsin Supreme Court.
What we’ve heard today is a political figure spouting the same tired talking points to appeal to the far right wing and to further politicize the judiciary as Scot Walker’s rubber stamp,” said Rebecca Dallet, candidate for Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Supreme Court Forum Full from CBS 58 News on Vimeo.