Democrats aim to push Black voters to the polls for upcoming elections; Republicans respond

NOW: Democrats aim to push Black voters to the polls for upcoming elections; Republicans respond

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Ahead of Tuesday's primary election in Wisconsin, Senator Tammy Baldwin and Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson held a joint event focusing on Black male voters in Milwaukee. 

Sen. Baldwin and Mayor Johnson emphasized the importance of the Black community's vote for both the August primary and the November election.

Sen. Baldwin said lower turnout in previous elections significantly impacted her party.  

“Black voter participation was down in 2022," Sen. Baldwin said, referring to the race where Senator Ron Johnson defeated Mandela Barnes. "But for that, I might be the senior senator in the state of Wisconsin.”

Sen. Baldwin's speech at the event encouraged voters to vote against the two constitutional amendments related to spending federal funds, but she also addressed the upcoming November election where she will run against Eric Hovde. 

Many Democrats, including Sen. Baldwin, have expressed support for Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming presidential election. Recent polling suggests that voters have gained excitement for the party under a new leader. 

According to a recent CBS News/YouGov poll, the percentage of Democrats who say they'll "definitely vote" has risen to its highest point this year. That narrows the partisan "turnout gap" we've seen throughout the campaign.

That same poll shows much higher numbers of Black voters say they'll vote compared to July, when Mr. Biden was the nominee.

At Monday's event, Major Johnson criticized comments Sen. Baldwin's opponent Eric Hovde made at a Juneteenth parade in the city this year, where he compared his familiarity with Wisconsin's Black community to charity work in Africa. 

“There couldn’t be a clearer contrast between Hovde and our senator, United States Senator Tammy Baldwin," Mayor Johnson said. 

CBS 58 reached out to the Hovde campaign team aiming to get a response to Monday's event in Milwaukee. State Sen. Julian Bradley responded with a statement. 

"The radical left, led by the Baldwin/Biden/Harris wing of the democrat party, employs the same campaign tactics every cycle. Overpromise. Underdeliver. Blame the republicans," Bradley said.  "Black voters are sick of the excuses and are looking for results. The Baldwin/Biden/Harris economy has been disproportionately crippling to the black community. That's why candidates like Eric Hovde are surging in popularity with black voters and why Tammy Baldwin has to spend time and resources trying to win over people she's taken for granted during her 30 years in elected office." 

CBS 58 last spoke to Eric Hovde at the Wisconsin State Fair on Aug. 3, where he focused on issues such as border security and immigration. 

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