Some downtown restaurants not as busy as expected during RNC

NOW: Some downtown restaurants not as busy as expected during RNC

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- It has been a tough week for some in the hospitality industry in downtown Milwaukee. The money's just not coming in for all.

The original plans for a number of restaurants all over downtown were big. Many got the approval to stay open late, but for some, the extra hours haven't paid off.

Amilinda's just outside the secure zone on East Wisconsin Avenue, but still thought the convention would bring an uptick in foot traffic.

"We're by the hotel zone, so we assumed that we would get business at the end of the night. Last night we stayed open until 11:30, just nothing so," said Gregory Leon, Owner, Amilinda Restaurant.

Gregory Leon's looking ahead to Thursdays' reservations and says they're half of what they usually are.

"I just wish maybe it hadn't been sold to us as a huge money maker for everybody across the board," said Leon.

"I know that some restaurants might not be happy with all the blocking and everything that goes on but it's just part of bringing all these people here in the city, so hopefully once people leave on Friday, they get back to normal here and they've done well during these five days that people are here from all over the country," said Abel Maldonado, Former California Lt. Governor.

Blocks away, some delegates were having lunch Wednesday at 3rd Street Market Hall.

"I was here yesterday and enjoyed it, so I wanted to come back today so I brought there other people back today," said Sherry Kuttenkuler Arthuad, Missouri Delegate.

The number of visitors, not as high as hoped, but the co-owner of 3rd Street Market Hall sees the RNC as future opportunity because of social media.

"Honestly look at the multi millions of media hits that we're gonna get to set us up really into the future, people pay attention to us and increase tourism," said Omar Sheikh, Co-Owner, 3rd Street Market Hall.

Closer to the secure perimeter, we found Mader's busy Wednesday with a private party.

"Michael Johnson's upstairs now, Hannedy just left, he's been in here a couple times," said Victor Mader, Owner, Mader's.

Victor Mader says extended hours are working for them. He thinks it's because of their name recognition.

"Normally this time of the week, maybe $5,6,000 we do in sales. Now we've got parties that are doing $14 thousand, so we're having days where we're doing over $50 thousand in sales," said Mader.

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