Downtown Employee Appreciation Week is back with free coffee and lunch for workers

NOW: Downtown Employee Appreciation Week is back with free coffee and lunch for workers

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Lunch starts at 11:45 a.m. at Red Arrow Park on Monday, Aug. 19. The first 1,000 people will get a free sandwich and cookie. It's day one of Employee Appreciation Week.

Every Day this week, workers can get food, coffee breaks and freebies at various parks throughout Downtown Milwaukee. 

The event kicked off with a coffee jolt at the Baird Center Commons. 

"It's a great way to start the work week," said Pete Duback, the managing director for Baird. "Downtown Employee Appreciation Week is a great opportunity to help us encourage our associates to come downtown enjoy the city." 

One goal is to get people who work from home into the office. 

"Get out, try some restaurants they've never tried. Do some activities they've never done before and mix and match with some folks from other businesses around Milwaukee who maybe they haven't had a chance to meet before," said Duback. 

You can find a full schedule of events for Downtown Employee Appreciation Week here. 

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