Enjoy the refreshing weather while it's here because the heat and humidity will return soon

Last night was one of the most comfortable nights for sleeping in quite a while! Low temps fell into the 50s lakeside and 40s inland.

Temps will be very similar tonight thanks to clear skies and mainly calm winds. Normal low temps this time of year are in the 60s, so enjoy this refreshing air while it's here!

After a couple days in the low 70s, temps will be on a warming trend the rest of the week and will be well into the 80s this weekend.

Unfortunately, the humidity will return with the heat. You'll notice it a tad on Friday, but the muggy weather really builds in this weekend and continues into next week. 

There are minor rain chances Friday and into early next week, but timing of the storms has been flip flopping. Download the CBS 58 Ready Weather App to keep up on the forecast.

CBS 58 Weather Forecast
