Fans cheer on Marquette at Opener

NOW: Fans cheer on Marquette at Opener

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- You would think weather would stop fans from coming out to the bars at this game, but like one person CBS 58 spoke to said, it's Wisconsin. 

The snow was not going to stop the sea of blue and gold from celebrating a Marquette win. 

Marquette was behind in the first half but picked up pace in the second. 

Fans say they were worried for a brief moment, but the Golden Eagles just kept pulling away. 

Fans told us Marquette is a second half team, they knew they would come back. 

"This team’s good. They got seniors, momentum. We’re totally going to beat them, we just needed to get a little kick and we got that momentum and we blew them out so that was awesome," said John Ashkar, Marquette fan. 

Major Goolsbey's says if Marquette continues to advance, the bar will likely be a standing room only. 

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