Federal funding will go toward helping adults with disabilities find affordable housing in Milwaukee County

NOW: Federal funding will go toward helping adults with disabilities find affordable housing in Milwaukee County

MILWAUKEE COUNTY, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Federal funding coming to Milwaukee County is helping people with disabilities find affordable housing -- $2.5 million of ARPA funds will be used toward the first-ever affordable housing development in the city of Franklin, specifically aimed at supporting adults with autism and similar disabilities. 

The nearly $40 million project, led by nonprofit Communities of Crocus, will create 50 housing units and a community hub for all the residents.

"Our daughter has autism and many different disabilities. I want to thank everybody standing up here who is creating a choice, an option - as the county executive said - everybody deserves housing options, including people with disabilities."

Communities of Crocus' vision is to create inclusive, supportive living environments that empower individuals with disabilities to thrive and achieve their full potential. 

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