First significant snowfall leads to dozens of crashes

The first measurable snowfall throughout southeastern Wisconsin Saturday night led to dozens of crashes.

\"They make not very smart decisions and we have accidents,\" Wauwatosa driver Adam Miller said Sunday.

Miller saw plenty of people struggling with the first snowfall.  It was nothing like the scene December 8, 2013 along Highway 41/45. Dozens of cars piled up that Sunday afternoon.  But emergency crews stayed busy this weekend.

The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office responded to 12 property damage crashes, two personal injury and 16 spin outs from 6 p.m. on.

\"People are still used to driving in the dry conditions,\" Miller said.  \"They're not used to getting out and driving in their cars and having a different feel.\"

Farther west, driver Clayton Aagerup says his fiance had an eventful drive home.

\"She counted eight spinouts on the way from Delafield to Merton,\" Aagerup said.  \"That's like a 15 minute drive.\"

Sheriff's deputies in Waukesha County responded to seven personal injury crashes and 25 spinouts in just a few hours Saturday night.

\"It's so simple,\" Aagerup's father Mike said. \"You learn [to slow down in those conditions] when you're 16, right? Behind the wheel.\"

Roads stayed slick through Sunday morning leading to more than a dozen additional crashes in Waukesha County. Deputies and drivers alike hoping things go better next time.

\"Take a little bit of time,\" Miller said.  \"Get used to the conditions. That's all you have to do. It's really simple.\"

The Wisconsin DOT has a list of essentials every driver should pack in their car during the winter months.  You can find that list here.

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