Fond du Lac Humane Society shares update on Purrito, kitten found run over at Taco Bell

Fond du Lac, WIS. (CBS 58) -- The Fond du Lac Humane Society has an update to share about Purrito!

For those who don't know, Purrito was found in the drive-thru of a Taco Bell after being run over by a pickup truck. He came to the Fond du Lac Humane Society with an upper respiratory infection, an eye infection, a severly broken back leg, and a fracture in his other hip.

Purrito had been under medical care and treatment in a foster home ever since.

On Thursday, Purrito went to the Lakes Animal Hospital in Illinois for x-rays. Purrito's hip fractures grew back together and calcified as did both bones on the broken leg. According to the humane society, this blew the best case scenarios after the chart.

Purrito won't need any pins, plates, or amputations. Purrito will now go back to the foster home to continue to recover.

He will be up for adoption very soon.

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