From Cub to Eagle: Local teen soars high in scouting achievement

From Cub to Eagle: Local teen soars high in scouting achievement

GLENDALE, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Troop 393's Joseph Steven Jewell has earned the prestigious Eagle Scout Award from the Boy Scouts of America, an honor that a mere 6% of Boy Scouts to reach this pinnacle achievement.

To attain the Eagle Scout Award, candidates must complete a list of demanding requirements established by the Boy Scouts of America. Additionally, they must earn a minimum of 21 merit badges and lead a service project with a church, synagogue or community.

Jewell, who has been active in Scouts BSA for over a decade, met and exceeded all of these objectives.

He appeared alongside Erik Kakulis, Troup 393's scoutmaster in joining us on Wednesday, Mar. 1 to discuss more about the honor and what it took to achieve it.

To learn more, visit the Three Harbors Council of the Boy Scouts of America online.

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