Glad You Asked: Why does the Governor use so many pens?

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Beth from Racine asked, "Can you tell me why politicians use so many pens when they sign orders or policies?"
Glad You Asked!
We asked Governor Walker himself.
"Kids always think it's cause we run out of ink. It's not." said Gov. Walker. "We try to get enough ink so that all the different people, sometimes there's families, individuals, groups that have worked on pieces of legislation. Anybody who's had a role to play, it's a nice way to say thank you for helping us get a quality piece of legislation done."
As Beth also noted in her email, sometimes Goveror Walker has to use a different pen for each letter. Or each part of a letter. That actually sounds hard!
"I like it when there's longer months." Gov. Walker said. "It gives me more letters to sign, the individual letters of the month. But I sign the date, the act number and then my signature and I give those pens to everybody around."
Have a curious question you'd like answered on the next Glad You Asked? Ask away! If you've always wondered about something ask Mike Curkov on his Facebook page, on Twitter or email him at [email protected].