Greenfield Fire Department prepares Thanksgiving dinner for first responders
GREENFIELD, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Greenfield Fire Department spent the afternoon preparing Thanksgiving dinner for 25 people including firefighters, police officers and dispatchers.
But the moment a 911 call came in, they stopped what they were doing to respond.
“It’s just running out the door and saying, 'hey I got this in the oven. Can you do this for me?' You take the call and you hope they can keep preparing your food for you while you go," said Devin Shade, firefighter paramedic.
On Thursday, firefighters prepared three turkeys, ham and mashed potatoes. Police officers brought dessert and the food was delivered to the dispatchers taking the calls.
For first responders it can be difficult when they spend time away from their families.
“Not everyone gets a chance to see their families here in the firehouse. When they get a chance to make time in their busy day, it's special," said Patrick Chenery.
Chenery's children stopped by the fire station to say hello.
“It’s nice to expose them to what we are doing and they get to see what we do in the firehouse for the holidays," said Chennery.
This Thanksgiving, they said they are thankful for their second family.
“We are close with the cops and the dispatchers. We get a long great with them. They will stop over when they have free time. It would be the next best spot to be if it is not home with my family," said Chad Weber, firefighter paramedic.