Having warm thoughts on this warmer inland type of day across the area

NOW: Having warm thoughts on this warmer inland type of day across the area

It's a typical late March day for the area. We've got the sunshine, and the lake breeze kicking in. Temps are hovering in the low 40s lakeside but inland locations are working up through the upper 40s to fifty degrees. It was on this date back in 2007, however, that Milwaukee set a couple warm temperature records. A record high of 80 was recorded in the city. Even more impressive than that was how warm it stayed right through the night. 

 Setting a second record for the day is one we call a Record high min. Or a warm low... either way, both of which are kind of a funny way to say we stayed warm overnight! With the low of the day only falling to 63° that not only set a daily record for the warmest low, but also the warmest low on any date in the month of March. While we don't have 60s for lows in the forecast, we do have a brief warm up on the way. Check it out: 
 The end of our 7-day forecast features a cooling trend as we level out around 40 early next week. But then forecast signals show a warming trend building into much of the nation going through that first week of April. 
 Locally we are pegged with 40% probabilities for above normal temperatures. At that point average highs are in the low 50s. Fingers crossed for some solid southwest wind type of days so we all can enjoy the milder temps.

I'm meteorologist Rebecca Schuld
