'He could have been killed': Stray bullet hits Glendale home inches from toddler's crib

NOW: ’He could have been killed’: Stray bullet hits Glendale home inches from toddler’s crib

GLENDALE, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Some Glendale parents said they're counting their blessings after gunfire hit their home early New Year's Day.

A stray bullet narrowly missed their baby boy. Thankfully, everyone in the home was okay.

Glendale police told CBS 58 News the gunfire that hit the home was most likely the result of a New Year's Eve celebration.

"He could have been dead, he could have been killed," said Marie Moore, the mother of toddler Zachary Moore.

Moore said she's still in shock after she found a bullet hole inches away from where her one-and-a-half-year-old son sleeps.

"I see drywall in the crib, look up, and then I see the bullet hole right above the crib, right through the wall," said Moore.

Moore went on to say, she and her husband heard people celebrating the new year, Sunday night into Monday morning.

She said she heard loud bangs around midnight, which she said could have been fireworks.

Her husband checked on their baby, and the child was fine, so they didn't think much of it at the time.

It wasn’t until Monday morning that they learned it was not fireworks, but gunfire -- when they made the shocking discovery of the stray bullet in their child's room.

"I wanted to throw up right there, hugged him right on the spot, I just couldn’t believe he was okay, and nothing happened, but just instantly like it was like a punch in the gut," said Moore.

Police said the bullet passed through the west wall of the home, entered the baby's room, bounced off another wall, eventually landing in the kid's stuffed animals.

Moore called for people to put down their guns after a New Year's Day she said she'll never forget.

"We could have lost him, from not anything that we did, just by him sleeping at night. This should be a safe house," said Moore.
