Hunger Task Force partners with Anthem to provide healthy food to seniors

NOW: Hunger Task Force partners with Anthem to provide healthy food to seniors

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- The Hunger Task Force is partnering with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in a boost to its mobile market program.

Anthem has generously committed $750,000 over the next three years to support the Hunger Task Force and its senior outreach programs.  The collaboration will enable Hunger Task Force to give health food to seniors in need. 

A launch event Wednesday gave seniors some reusable grocery bags and a tour of the mobile market. 

"So many people in Wisconsin are under-insured, said executive director Sherrie Tussler. "Hunger Task Force consistently does outreach to the food share eligible population, and this partnership will allow us to make sure that not only are people getting enough food that they can buy at the grocery store, but they're also full-insured." 

Seniors at Wednesday's event also got a buy-one-get-one milk voucher. 

It was held at Highland Gardens in Milwaukee.
