Lake Geneva gears up for first ever Cicadapalooza

NOW: Lake Geneva gears up for first ever Cicadapalooza

LAKE GENEVA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- A local community is embracing the invasion of the cicada.

Lake Geneva is hosting its first ever Cicadapalooza on Saturday, June 8. 

"It turns out Lake Geneva is perhaps the single best spot to see these in the entire state of Wisconsin," said Patrick "PJ" Liesch, Entomologist from the University-Wisconsin Madison.

Liesch went on to say the emergence of millions of cicadas is a groundbreaking spectacle.

"You can live in Wisconsin your entire life, and you'll only have so many opportunities to see this amazing natural phenomenon with your own eyes in the badger state."

The Cicada's natural mating noise captured the attention of the lakeside community.

"But it's getting louder and louder every day," said Stephanie Klett, President and CEO with Visit Lake Geneva.

So, the city is embracing the noise, throwing its first ever Cicadapalooza.

The event will offer tours learning more about the winged insects along with cicada-style cuisine.

"We did a little, with pulped avocado a little watermelon radish, that’s sort of season no, and then some pure 290 rub roasted cicadas," said Ken Hnilo, Executive Chef with PIER 290.

Cooks in Lake Geneva said there are some health benefits to eating Cicadas, they say they are packed full of protein.

"Their carbon outputs are significantly lower than other animal sources of proteins," said Ellen Ward-Packard, a home cook.

And to wash it all down cicada infused beer, a novelty drink, because these bugs are only here for a short time.

"In just a couple of weeks, the adults are going to be gone, and we won't see them for over a decade, almost close to twenty years before you might be able to do an event like this again," said Liesch

Cicadapalooza will begin at noon and goes on until 4:30p.m., starting at the Lake Geneva Public Library. The event is free to the public.
