Brewers hold tribute at AMFAM after the death of longtime PA announcer Robb Edwards

NOW: Brewers hold tribute at AMFAM after the death of longtime PA announcer Robb Edwards

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A moment of silence Friday night at the Brewers-Cubs game after the death of longtime PA announcer Robb Edwards. Edwards' career with the Brewers spanned more than two decades including both County Stadium and Miller Park.

For the team of professionals who work behind the scenes at Brewers home games, it's a sad day. Although Robb Edwards retired five years ago, his 22-year career with the Brewers was enough to make a lasting impression on many.

From 1998 to 2019, Edwards brought you your Milwaukee Brewers with incredible enthusiasm and energy.

"Robb was one of the classiest men I ever met in the radio business," said Mark Richards, Brewers present PA announcer.

And when it came to the visiting team?

"There's a certain inflection that you use for the home team that you don't use for the visiting team, especially when the Cubs are in town if you catch my drift," said Richards.

Mark Richards took the microphone once Edwards retired. The two met years earlier. Both worked at Milwaukee radio stations.

"I walked up to say 'hi' to Robb. He looked at me and said 'where's your necktie?' And he looked at me like a dad disapproving me. 'You always wear a necktie when you host the auction.' So, from that day on, when I hosted the public TV auction, I made sure I wore a necktie," said Richards.

Coworkers describe Edwards as humble, a good friend and family man, with a great sense of humor.

"He would tell a joke, make us just dying laughing and then all of a sudden, he'd be next batter #11 Richard Sexson," said Melanie Buellesbach, game day producer, Brewers Scoreboard.

At the Brewers-Cubs game Friday night, June 28, at American Family Field, the crowd honored Edwards with a moment of silence.

"He never broke that smooth radio voice, and everyone knew the voice. 'Drive home safely.' That was his sign off," said Buellesbach.

"When I heard about Robb, I broke down because I remember listening to Robb Edwards on the radio when I was a kid. It's kind of like I always knew that voice and heard that voice as one of the voices that inspired me to go into a career in radio, and I'm gonna forever remember him and be grateful for it," said Richards.

The Brewers said the entire organization sends condolences to the family of Robb Edwards. The American Family Field scoreboard control room is named in his honor.

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