'Love Purse' collecting donations to help people in domestic violence situations

NOW: ’Love Purse’ collecting donations to help people in domestic violence situations

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A hometown nonprofit is partnering with a Chicago based organization looking to help women in domestic violence situations.

Dozens of men and women filled a room at BMO Tower looking to support those experiencing domestic violence Monday, March 11.

Constance Payne is a survivor who is sharing her story to help others.

"I wouldn't have known that I needed it until somebody recognized it and let me know."

Payne went on to say it's often difficult for victims to realize how dangerous their situation is.

She said the help she's gotten has changed her and her children's lives.

"Since then, it's been a whirlwind, but it's been a good whirlwind."

The gathering comes as Sojourner Family Peace center partners with the Chicago based organization, Love Purse, a nonprofit looking to turn pain into beauty.

"They're going to know tomorrow the sun's going to shine again, that they're going to be a rainbow, and that they are going to make it another day," said Maria Castro, founder & CEO of Inspiration.

Castro said the nonprofit seeks to collects purses filled with everyday essentials to help women in abusive situations.

"Everything that they need to survive - toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, brushes, shampoo, anything and everything you can think of is in that purse," said Castro.

Castro said the most important item in these purses is a note of inspiration.

"It really resonates with all of us, and we know that someone on the opposite end is going to read it and know that they matter," said Castro.

Leaders at the Sojourner Family Peace Center said domestic violence cases have not eased since the start of Covid-19, but care packages like these show survivors they are supported.

"Everything has just been needed, much needed, and I wouldn’t have known that I needed it until somebody recognized it and let me know. So, I'm thankful that they love me enough to tell me that," said Payne.

BMO will be collecting cash and toiletry donations on behalf of Love Purse at several of their BMO locations.

  • 2701 W. National Avenue, Milwaukee
  • 790 W. Water Street, Milwaukee
  • 7501 W. North Avenue, Wauwatosa
  • 3155 N. 124th St., Brookfield
  • 180 N. Executive Drive, Brookfield

They'll be collecting donation for the entire month of March and dropping them off to Sojourner Family Peace Center come April.
