MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- The Milwaukee County Transit System is celebrating 50 years of hitting the roads in our hometowns.
To celebrate Wednesday, the county hosted its "bus-iversary" event kicking off a yearlong look at the people who made the transit system what it is today.
MCTS was founded in 1975 after the county took over for a private company who had been running public transit since the 50s.
County officials say they have a busload of news to share about the future of the transit system.
"Twenty-five new bus shelters and all new bus stop signs throughout the county to make the experience even better for our riders," said Julie Esch, deputy director, MCTS. "Soon you'll be able to check out the open payment options on WisGo, so you'll be able to use a debit or credit card to pay."
Next month, MCTS is launching an apprenticeship program. If you're interested, their launch event is at their fleet headquarters on 15th and Vine. That meeting is April 29 at 1 p.m.