MFD successfully administers first batch of blood to trauma patient thanks to new program

NOW: MFD successfully administers first batch of blood to trauma patient thanks to new program

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A new Milwaukee County program gives first responders at the scene of a traumatic event a new tool at their disposal. 

The pilot program was created to administer blood to trauma patients with critical blood loss in the field before arriving to a hospital. The idea being that a patient gets the blood they need sooner, increasing their chance for survival. 

Milwaukee Fire Department's chief called the program "excellent."

Here's his response when asked if he wants to see it expand throughout his entire department.

"I guess that's a question for Milwaukee County," said Chief Aaron Lipski. "If I could get it on every paramedic unit tomorrow, I would. I don't know if that's logistically possible, but it's proven itself already. Not just here, but in other systems that have used it. Anything we can do to save a life, that's the end goal."

Within the past few days, MFD has successfully administered its first batch of blood to a young man who had been shot multiple times. 

He survived and is now recovering in a hospital. 
