Milwaukee baker hosting by-order bake sale to raise money for Ukraine

NOW: Milwaukee baker hosting by-order bake sale to raise money for Ukraine

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A Milwaukee baker is hosting a by-order bake sale fundraiser this weekend to help Ukraine.

She was inspired to help after seeing the dire situation in Ukraine and the effect the war is having on her best friend, who has family there.

Sharla Guinn of Milwaukee hosted a bake sale fundraiser a few weeks ago and raised almost $400, which went to help families in Ukraine. 

Now she's hosting another fundraiser April 2-3, and hoping to get all the support she can to continue helping more families.

"A lot of people have just been saying this is a wonderful idea," said Guinn. "Even if they don't place an order, I've had a few people that have just donated money to a great cause."

"I've been sending this info over to my family and they're just overwhelmed by somebody who would go as far as to make cupcakes to get them funds," said Todd Slusar. "No matter what the amount is, every bit is going to help."

Slusar is Sharla's best friend who has family in Ukraine. He said his cousin is currently fighting in the war. His cousin's wife and kids had to leave him behind to seek shelter and safety somewhere else. 

Todd says he's grateful for all the support he has seen to help families like his who are struggling right now. 

Sharla is selling Ukraine-themed cupcakes and chocolate chip cookies for the fundraiser this weekend. 

You can place an order online through Sharla's Cupcakes and Cakes' Facebook page
