Milwaukee County bus driver rescues child from busy intersection

NOW: Milwaukee County bus driver rescues child from busy intersection

MILWAUKEE COUNTY, Wis. (CBS 58) -- A Milwaukee County bus operator went above and beyond the call of duty last month.

The driver help save a small boy from one of Milwaukee’s busiest streets.

For Milwaukee County bus operator Keyon Finkley, a Saturday afternoon in late February was shaping up to be an average day.

"Normal day for me. Sunny, a little chilly, the weather wasn’t my friend that day," said Finkley.

Finkley was on his Red Line route, driving down Capitol on Milwaukee's north side, when he saw something he hasn’t seen before in his four years behind the wheel.

"Seeing that boy on that street, on Capitol Drive, knowing how busy and dangerous it is, sent a chill in my spine and got me scared," said Finkley.

The father of four said he jumped into one mode he knows best.

"Daddy mode -- it wasn’t no second thought to do anything but jump into daddy mode and protect that boy like he was my son, and to make sure he was okay. Everything else, I ain't care about," said Finkley.

Bus surveillance showed Finkley pulling over and rescuing the small child from the busy intersection.

"Even now, me talking about the story, I get a little emotional, because it's a scary situation that could have been something that turned bad," said Finkley.

Finkley said all his life he's struggled with his speech, making him shy, but his heroic moves prove sometimes actions can speak louder than words.

"For me, it was just making sure he was safe; that's all I was worried about that day, that’s all I was thinking about," said Finkley.

The boy was reconnected with his family shortly after Finkley found him.

According to MCTS, this little boy was the 14th missing child a MCTS bus driver has found in recent years.
