Milwaukee County giving away free weatherization kits to prepare homes for winter

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) – Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele announced that the County's Energy Assistance Program will celebrate National Weatherization Day this Halloween weekend with a special “treat” for homeowners and renters - free weatherization kits to prepare their homes for winter and save costs on energy bills. Families can also enjoy cookies, hot cocoa, and a resource fair with other free giveaways while they schedule an appointment to apply for Energy Assistance.

“Each year, this vital program provides an average of $500 to nearly 60,000 households,” said Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele. “This day serves as a reminder for homeowners to be proactive in getting their homes ready for winter - and to save on costs where they can.”

At the event, Energy Assistance partner Jammin’ 98.3 will collect new or gently used winter coats from community members as part of their Share the Warmth campaign. Energy Assistance Weatherization partners: Community Advocates, UMOS, SDC, Partners, La Casa and WeEnergies will also be onsite, along with the Milwaukee Fire Department Engine 14 and City of Milwaukee Health Department, to share information with community members on how to be responsible homeowners this winter.

“People should know they don’t have to wait until they’re behind on their bills to apply for Energy Assistance,” said Diane Zettelmeier, program coordinator for the Milwaukee County Energy Assistance Program. "Applying for Energy Assistance should be on every homeowner’s fall checklist. Qualifying for Energy Assistance even gives some households access to other benefits, too, including furnace/heating system repair or replacement or oil refills in a crisis situation.”

Milwaukee residents can pick up their free weatherization kit and extra goodies and apply for Energy Assistance on Saturday, October 28, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at 5663 S. 27th Street, next to Big Lots.

The Wisconsin Home Energy Program (WHEAP) is a state program that is administered in Milwaukee County by the Department of Health and Human Services. WHEAP provides qualified residents with a one-time annual payment to make energy (heating and electric) bills more affordable. Last year, the County served nearly 60,000 households. This year, the County has already received 17,000 applications and plans to serve 75,000 households this season.

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