Milwaukee Gay Football Club provides all-inclusive space for the LGBTQ+ community ⚽

NOW: Milwaukee Gay Football Club provides all-inclusive space for the LGBTQ+ community ⚽

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- The Milwaukee Gay Football Club is providing an opportunity for the LGBTQIA+ community to play the world's most popular sport, football (soccer).

At its peak, the organization had 13 teams. With the pandemic not helping, it dropped to one, and now the organization is rebuilding.

It provides a safe and all-inclusive space, and members meet a few times a week. Patrick Carter is the president of the club.

"We currently are the only LGBT-focused or owned soccer club in the state of Wisconsin," said Carter.

"It has been great to see just the support that we've had, and also more recently the success, so not just getting people to join but also starting to actually win a lot of our matches, too. So, it's been both a good boost for us ego-wise and just help to recruit more people, too."

Carter played the game as a kid and shared his thoughts on the importance of representation.

"I think, especially in the sport of soccer, since there is still a lot of homophobia that is out there, it's important, I think, for our organization to exist. I think that’s why we want to, and continue to persist, is because we know that there are people looking for a space out there. And we want to be able to provide that," said Carter.

Brandon Austin is a board member of the organization and an ally.

"Just being an ally, being a part of the community -- it's a great community, a lot of fun playing soccer. I've been doing this for eight years myself, with the same club. It's definitely been a team building, community-building experience for me," said Austin.

Allyship is something Carter says has been one of the organization's biggest strengths. As the organization continues to build, they hope to branch out.

"For this fall, if we're ambitious, we'll be forming our own soccer league. Otherwise, we'll continue to play through Milwaukee recreation," said Carter.

To find out more on the Milwaukee Gay Football Club, click here

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