Local mom becomes 1st-time homeowner thanks to Habitat for Humanity

CBS 58

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A hometown mom can now call herself a homeowner for the first time. Tayana Jones is Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity's newest homeowner.

Jones is all moved into her new house in Milwaukee's Midtown neighborhood with her son. On Friday, Sept. 27, a dedication ceremony was held to officially welcome her home and acknowledge the work that went into making all of this happen.

A ribbon was cut, and Jones was welcomed with housewarming gifts and remarks. "I couldn't believe it when they gave me my keys," Jones said.

The home build was made possible thanks to a partnership between Habitat, the Milwaukee Bucks, and Sargento.

Louie Gentine, Sargento CEO was there to greet Jones as well as other volunteers who helped with the project. "This is a really special day. Sargento has been a partner with Habitat for Humanity since 1992 and to have the opportunity to welcome a new homeowner into their home just really feels great," said Gentine.

The home was built by a lot of helping hands who believe in the power of community. "We believe that everybody should have an opportunity to have shelter over their head and to have a place to raise their family," Gentine said.

Bucks Shooting Guard Pat Connaughton was one of those helping hands during build week last summer, along with dozens of other volunteers. Jones herself was also on the build team.

Jones says knowing the challenges of achieving homeownership, along with the rising rental prices in Milwaukee makes this even more of a dream come true.

Milwaukee has one of the lowest rates of homeownership in Wisconsin, according to recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Habitat officials say there are also huge housing disparities in the city. Only about 25% of Black families own the home they live in. This is compared to more than 50% of White families.

Housing costs are a burden for many. One in three families spend more than half of their income on housing. Jones says owning a home was the only option for her. "Rent is going up. If you're going to pay somebody's rent, you might as well pay your own mortgage," she said.

As a single mother, working two full-time jobs, homeownership is something Jones says she always strived for. Now, she she's motivated to keep achieving her goals.

"I feel amazing. I feel on top of the world. I feel like nothing is impossible to me now," she said.

Jones is now encouraging other families in need to consider how Habitat could be a resource.

Click here for more information on how to become a Habitat Homeowner.

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