Mixed reactions after Wauwatosa city employees asked to avoid red, green Christmas decorations

NOW: Mixed reactions after Wauwatosa city employees asked to avoid red, green Christmas decorations

WAUWATOSA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- A fight for the red and green is unfolding in Wauwatosa. A newsletter sent to city employees could result in some changes to a typically brightly decorated December.

December's known to be a busy one as people come in to pay property taxes. The newsletter asks city employees to steer clear of any religious decorations and the colors red and green typically associated with Christmas. 

Red and green lights are already outside the home of Daniel Gugula now. The Wauwatosa resident even posted a message we're blurring on his window after the city strongly urged no red and green Christmas lights at public buildings, to be more inclusive. 

"Me and some other neighbors, some other friends of mine thought it was kind of ironic to being inclusive and creating diversity," said Gugula.

Gugula says instead of excluding Christian Christmas symbols, why not add symbols meaningful to other faiths?

"As a community, we're better together and we're better because of our differences. So, we actually should be embracing even more diversity," said Gugula.

Gugula's message wasn't up long, just a few minutes. More of a joke amongst neighbors. But messages on social media are lingering, calling the decision "conforming to a small minority," a "woke Christmas" and saying, "What's wrong with letting everyone celebrate how they want to?"

Outside the Wauwatosa Public Library Monday night, people had mixed reactions.

"I think in private homes, private businesses, you can represent how you want, but in a public setting to represent one religion or culture over another would not be fair to the community," said Kelsey Burke, Wauwatosa Public Library visitor. 

"As a public space, I think people have the right to say, 'I don't want my money spent on those things,'" said Patrick McCormack, also visiting the library. 

"Red, green and white are the Christmas colors. So, I don't feel like it should be taken away. Maybe they could add colors or their beliefs," said Andrea Walker. 

The letter says they're striving to "make Wauwatosa's municipal buildings a place that everyone can feel comfortable visiting." They suggest a winter theme. 

The letter was distributed last week and says that currently, Christmas decorations are on display at public counters. We walked inside Monday and found none.

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