Music fans react to Summerfest lineup

NOW: Music fans react to Summerfest lineup

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Summerfest announced its ground stage headliners Monday. Music fans are ready for live music again, and who are they most excited to see? 

We asked those in Milwaukee's Third Ward about the headliners announced Monday. 

"It was one that you didn't read, Dave Chapelle," said Nate. 

"Chance the Rapper, yeah that should be pretty interesting," Eric Callahan said.

"Oh my goodness, ZZ Top, really?" said Bill Griepenterog. "I kind of enjoy them. Haven't ever seen them live."

Summerfest announced eight stages and dozens of artists. 

Musicians ranged in genres -- ZZ Top, Nelly, Pixies, Run the Jewel and G-Easy are some included in the lineup. 

"It's September fest," said Nate. 

He's right, one of Summerfest's most notable changes this year is that it was moved to September instead of the usual June and July dates.

"It's three weekends in September," said Bob Babisch, the entertainment director for Summerfest. 

Babisch said that was the best way to make it work. 

"We think that the festival getting a chance in September, get everybody back in full capacity, get everybody excited," said Babisch. 

And others CBS 58 spoke to say they're ready to get out. 

"Corona's kind of kept us locked down," said Callahan.

For a lot of people, it's not about the big headliners. 

"We love walking in the morning when the bands are prepping and....tuning up," said Susan Griepenterog.

Susan and Bill Griepenterog like to come during the day to beat the crowds and listen to the lesser-known talents. 

So what's their dream show? 

"You know I really think we've seen it in the Eagles. I've got to tell you, if there would be one band that I would want to hear more than any other," said Bill Griepenterog. "I kind of look back at that and said wow, we've seen it."

For Summerfest ticket information and headliner stages, click here. 

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