'My goal with this is to get it into hands of people who need it the most': Caledonia mom opens toy shop for parents of children on Autism spectrum

NOW: ’My goal with this is to get it into hands of people who need it the most’: Caledonia mom opens toy shop for parents of children on Autism spectrum

CALEDONIA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Year after year, Barbies, Nerf guns and Hot Wheels rank high on Christmas wish lists for most kids.  But where do parents of children with sensory seeking behaviors turn for gifts that provide the sensory experience these kids want and need?

It's a question Kristy Lalonde hopes to answer. The mother from Caledonia is filling a need for other moms like her who have children on the autism spectrum. This past summer, Lalonde opened up Sonsational Sensory Shop online selling an array of hand-picked fun and affordable sensory toys.

On CBS 58 Sunday Morning, Winnie Dortch shared the Lalonde's inspiring toy story.

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