Near record-breaking holiday travel creates an increase in demand for gas

NOW: Near record-breaking holiday travel creates an increase in demand for gas

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- It’s a sight no one likes to see, the rise in gas prices ahead of a busy travel weekend.

It’s a trend people said they're getting used to seeing, paying big dollars at the gas pump.

"Gas is what it is, it fluctuates especially during holidays so it's expected, if anybody is surprised by that I would be surprised," said OJ De La Cruz, a driver on Milwaukee's south side.

The cost of filling up is weighing heavy for some consumers.

"I can't afford to go like filling this tank, it's like close to a hundred sometimes," said Concetta Tebbe, a Milwaukee driver.

According to AAA, the national average for a gallon of gas is $3.69, a price they say is no longer a sticker shock for some drivers.

"They find a way to accommodate for any higher prices within their budget or changes in their budget rather that’s higher gas prices or higher air fare, higher hotel cost, they adjust their spending in other ways to make sure they can still make these trips happen," said Nicholas Jarmusz, Director of Public Affairs, AAA Wisconsin.

Wisconsin saw some of the lowest prices Friday with a state average of $3.44, the average price in Milwaukee about 30 cents more at $3.76.

Jarmusz went on to say more than 800,000 Wisconsinites are expected to travel by road this holiday season-- but for some people the cost of gas has them considering other options.

"How am I going to afford to anywhere further then, like, ten minutes down the road on a regular basis, it's almost cheaper to fly then it is to drive, which is really sad," said Tebbe.

Gas experts said there is some light at the end of the tunnel, if mother nature or refinery outages don’t get in the way, gas prices could trend lower every month throughout the summer.
