New policy bans 'safe space' signs in Oak Creek-Franklin School District

NOW: New policy bans ’safe space’ signs in Oak Creek-Franklin School District

OAK CREEK, Wis. (CBS58) -- The Oak Creek-Franklin Board of Education has made a decision on a policy restricting certain displays in schools.

"I don’t think you need half a dozen stickers on the door. Everybody should be able to feel safe in the classroom," resident David Brown said during Monday's board of education meeting.

On Monday, the joint school district voted 6-1 to approve new policy 387 surrounding displays and postings in student environments, and revised policy 381 centered around addressing controversial issues and materials in the schools.

Policy 387 prohibits displays that do not support the board-approved curriculum. Those include postings that target "only one group of students based solely on race, sex, gender, gender preference, sexual orientation/preference, religion, or national origin unless it is part of a District sanctioned club or activity."

Postings that identify a student environment as safe or safer than other student environments, are also not allowed.

"It’s not hurting anyone. It’s not convincing anyone to do anything they don’t want to do. It’s just creating a safe space," parent Maureen Sherman said ahead of the board's vote.

One teacher, who was against the policy, said stickers that read "safe space" let students know they can connect with a teacher who will help them get the assistance they need.

"That's all those symbols are -- they are not a symbol of teaching; they are not a symbol of indoctrination, they are an empathetic pathway," district teacher Steve Hein said.

However, many told the board they feel the stickers exclude other groups of students who might not identify with the displays.

"Promoting any group above others is divisive, and objectifying people by a characteristic other than the content of their character is demeaning," Datsa Glaz said.

According to the policy, school principals will be responsible for monitoring their schools to determine whether displays and postings are consistent with this policy.

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