New Wisconsin initiative promotes safe voting during pandemic

NOW: New Wisconsin initiative promotes safe voting during pandemic

WISCONSIN (CBS 58) -- Wisconsin's current and former attorneys general launched a bipartisan voting initiative Tuesday, July 21.

Current Attorney General Josh Kaul and former attorney general, J. B. Van Hollen, will serve as co-chairmen of the new Wisconsin chapter of "VoteSafe."

The initiative promotes absentee and safe in-person voting during the pandemic.

"We want to encourage people, local elective administrators and everybody else involved who knows the challenges they faced, to use the tools they have and to raise their voices if they need more resources, so that we can make sure these elections are conducted safely and that people can exercise their right to vote," Kaul said. 

Other members include former Republican governor Scott McCallum, as well as Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley.

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