Pro-Palestinian protesters demand Harris take firm stance on Gaza conflict

NOW: Pro-Palestinian protesters demand Harris take firm stance on Gaza conflict

WEST ALLIS, Wis. – As Vice President Kamala Harris visited Wisconsin for her first presidential campaign stop, there were protests happening in response.

Around two dozen people called for Harris to stand with Palestine as she potentially becomes the Democratic nominee. They held signs and chanted outside of West Allis Central High School.

Audari Tamayo, with the Wisconsin Coalition for Justice in Palestine, said he was there to tell Harris that he is no longer going to stand for the violence happening in Palestine.

“If Kamala wants to represent the people that she claims to, she needs to do something about the genocide in Palestine and take a stance,” Tamayo said.

Both Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden had previously pledged support for Israel, while also saying they were sympathetic to civilians in Palestine. Tamayo said that just because Harris is now potentially leading the campaign for the Democrats in 2024, his views have not changed on her stance.

“Biden is the head of the Democrats, the Democrats as a whole support Biden. It’s not just a one-man job,” Tamayo said. “This is a widespread issue throughout the Democrats.”

The conflict in Palestine is an issue that has divided Democrats before Harris started her campaign. Tamayo said it’s up to the elected officials to make sure this subject matter doesn’t divide people as they decide how to cast their vote in Wisconsin.

“We know Milwaukee is a union city. Milwaukee is a working-class city. The working people of Milwaukee stand with Palestine and we’re here to make that clear today,” Tamayo said.

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