Pirate Party candidate running for office in Milwaukee
Posted: Oct 30, 2014 5:47 PM CST | Updated: Oct 30, 2014 7:12 PM CST
Klein is facing off against Democrat Jonathan Brostoff for the 19th Assembly District seat.
The seat had been held by Jon Richards.
The Pirate Party is an international party that started in Sweden in 2006, initially to reform copyright and patent laws.
Klein said he is for an open and fair government.
On his website, Klein advocates for peace, human rights, and internet freedom.
Klein's platform calls for enacting a $10.10 minimum wage, marriage equality, equal pay for equal work, and marijuana legalization and regulation.
He said he gets the jokes and questions about being in the Pirate Party, but he wants to give Wisconsin another party to think about because of the state's polarized political environment.
Klein is a former Iraq War Veteran and admittedly used to be a part of the Democratic party.
He said he doesn't like the direction the country has taken.
More information on Joe Klein HERE