Race to win seat in Racine County district also home to Foxconn

NOW: Race to win seat in Racine County district also home to Foxconn

RACINE COUNTY, Wis. (CBS 58) - There's a face-off to win an important seat on the Racine County Board of Supervisors.

Both candidates say that Foxconn is part of their platform but it's not everything, and they each want to help the residents of District 14 in their own way.

“I feel like these people deserve representation and I want to ensure that what happened to us, and my neighbors, doesn’t happen to anyone else," Candidate Kim Mahoney said.

Mahoney lives in the only remaining home near the Foxconn site, and says “Foxconn” brought local politics to her.

“These resolutions are getting pushed through so quickly with no discussion, spending millions of dollars, in taxpayer money, and I think we need more discussion," she added.

Jason Eckman, Mahoney’s opponent and Village of Sturtevant Trustee, supports economic development and a stable tax rate.

“You have to look at the big picture, and when it’s in the best interest of the majority sometimes those tough decisions are necessary," Eckman said.

District 14 Supervisor Kay Buske is not seeking re-election.

“I feel like it’s almost a moral obligation for the surrounding villages and the county to do everything we can to bring jobs to this area,” Eckman added.

Mahoney said she’s also helping others understand local politics, thanks to her fight against eminent domain rules. She’s reached out to Wisconsin lawmakers.

“So that municipalities can’t threaten and bully and intimidate homeowners," she said.

Eckman believes that new business can support all residents.

“Obviously economic development in the county is important, and Foxconn is just one part of that," he said.

The deadline to qualify for the ballot is January 7 by 5 p.m.

The Spring Election is April 7.
