Racine Zoo announces passing of Masai giraffe Jabari

NOW: Racine Zoo announces passing of Masai giraffe Jabari

RACINE, Wis. (CBS 58) -- A sad day at the Racine Zoo after the loss of one of their most visited animals. Jabari the Masai giraffe passed away on Thursday, Jan. 16. 

On Friday, the Racine Zoo was closed all day as staff took time to grieve the loss. Jabari, they tell us, had become like family, having lived at the zoo since 2017.

These are Jabari's first steps at the Racine Zoo, a Masai giraffe on loan from Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.

Racine Zoo

"He loved to run and hang out in his enclosure and see people. He was very unique, and he was loved by everybody," said Beth Heidorn, Racine Zoo executive director.

Thursday morning Jabari fell and had trouble getting himself up.

"That is a risk from giraffes when they fall. It's never good. That's a lot of weight falling from an exceptionally high distance and they are awkwardly built," said Dan Powell, Racine Zoo curator.

Jabari at 10 years old, weighed 2,000 pounds, and stood 14 feet tall.

"Jabari fell in a way that he wasn't capable to get himself back up, so we took steps to be able to get him relocated, but he still was not able," said Powell.

More than 50 animal care specialists from across Wisconsin joined the team at Racine Zoo, working well into the late evening. Sadly, their efforts couldn’t save Jabari, and a decision was made to humanely euthanize him.

"The outcome is not what we wanted but we are taking comfort in knowing everything we could do was done," said Heidorn.

Racine Zoo Executive Director Beth Heidorn called Jabari a fan favorite. On Facebook, hundreds of comments have posted their sorrow over the loss.

"He would often come up and ask for treats and ask for neck rubs just you know asking you to get that special spot that itches and that he really likes," said Powell.

"It felt like he recognized people that had come back, and you could just tell that he enjoyed seeing them all and he was a goofy loving personality," said Heidorn.

It has been an especially tough season for the Racine Zoo which lost Jabari's uncle Mac in November. The 19-year-old died from age-related arthritis. Two great losses, two months apart.

"And he was that, he was a gentle giant, and I miss him already," said Heidorn.

The Racine Zoo will operate under normal hours again starting this weekend from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
