Sheboygan County man attends his 13th RNC in Milwaukee

NOW: Sheboygan County man attends his 13th RNC in Milwaukee

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Seated in the crowd Thursday night, July 18, was a Sheboygan County man who's spent his lifetime serving others. He's now 85 and on his 13th Republican National Convention as an alternate delegate.

Carl Toepel's seen a lot since his first Republican National Convention which was San Francisco 1956, but first and foremost, he wanted us to know he's most proud to be married 56 years with nine grandchildren.

Hours before the speakers take the stage on the final night of the Milwaukee RNC, Carl Toepel's already in his seat, telling us this is his Superbowl.

"For me it's politics," said Toepel.

Toepel grew up in Sheboygan County attending his first RNC in California in 1956 at the invitation of the Republican National Committee.

"When my friends were playing baseball, I was glued watching those conventions," said Toepel.

Over the years, Toepel's met a dozen presidents, including Jimmy Carter. He's served the Republican Party as delegate and alternate delegate many times, collecting thousands of campaign buttons like these.

CBS 58

"Then love Republicans that's a good party button and then I have proud to be a member of the Sheboygan County Republican party," said Toepel.

The Howards Grove, Wisconsin, resident recalls being a delegate for the John McCain/Sarah Palin ticket in 2008.

"There was a lot of electricity, a lot of enthusiasm, and I see that's gonna be tonight, but I think tonight even greater in appreciation that the Lord saved Donald Trump's life. I think it's transformed the whole convention because he was that close to not having life the Lord spared his life for a reason," said Toepel.

The alternate delegate says Milwaukee's done an incredible job as host city, and he especially wanted to give a shout out to volunteers and staff. He says everywhere he goes; they've gone out of their way to help him in and out of wheelchairs.

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