Sheriff Clarke stops man from running a woman and her children off the road

MILWAUKEE-- Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke was off duty when he saw a vehicle weave in and out of traffic, trying to run a mother and her two children off the road.

\"I can't think of a more horrifying experience for a woman, than to be stalked and pursued by some crazy ex-boyfriend who won't take no for an answer,\" said Sheriff Clarke, \"and that's kind of what's going on here.\"

Sheriff Clarke saw the vehicle Thursday, around 7 PM, near N. 51st Street and Good Hope Road on Milwaukee's Northwest side.  He says the man behind the wheel was Don Bush.

\"I asked the driver what was going on, he said 'oh, that's my girlfriend,'\" he recalled. 

Sheriff Clarke says Bush followed his ex-girlfriend for 30-minutes.  He pulled Bush over near N. 76th and Good Hope Road.

\"Get a Milwaukee squad over here, tell them not to take all day,\" said Sheriff Clarke, on dispatch radio recordings

The woman told police she feared for her family's life-- as she tried to dodge Bush, with her 12-year old and 15-year old in the car.

\"Think of what they're going through as well,\" said Sheriff Clarke, \"scared out of their minds.\"

Milwaukee Police arrested Bush, who now faces domestic violence charges.  He was also cited for driving with a suspended license, not having a registered car, and unsafe lane deviation.  Records show Bush has a history of drug charges and additional domestic violence charges.    


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