2024 RNC: U.S. Coast Guard, Secret Service, Milwaukee law enforcement hold maritime safety planning exercise

2024 RNC: U.S. Coast Guard, Secret Service, Milwaukee law enforcement hold maritime safety planning exercise

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- The Republican National Convention (RNC) is about two months away and security preparations for the city are long underway.

On Wednesday, May 22, the U.S. Coast Guard, Secret Service, and other local law enforcement members held what's called a tabletop exercise to discuss operational waterway security plans. 

"Special security events are a long process for preparing, so this event in particular, planning started in April of last year," said Audrey Gibson-Cicchino, the Secret Service coordinator for the 2024 RNC. "Subcommittees were activated in June of last year, so each of the subcommittees have been meeting for what will be over a year by the time the event takes place."

Gibson-Cicchino said it's "fairly common" to have a maritime subcommittee among the other interagency teams.

"The Secret Service and all of our partners are continuously evaluating information and working to ensure that a comprehensive security plan is in place," Gibson-Cicchino said.

The specific plans each team makes will then be presented to an executive steering committee for approval.

"We're confident in the plans that are being put forward," Gibson-Cicchino said, noting that the teams are both on track and on schedule.

Due to safety reasons, officials were unable to elaborate on the specific plans they are forming, but confirmed the Milwaukee River will "likely" fall within their security zone which will lead to some restrictions during the RNC.

"We are not going to be able to tell you exactly where we're going to be, but [the public] will know that they are safe and protected," said Lt. Anthony Gallegos, who works with the Coast Guard Sector of Lake Michigan. "The public can be confident that they will see the Coast Guard out."

While they are still in the planning phase, officials said the public can expect to receive detailed information on closures, procedures, etc. about three weeks before the RNC kicks off.

"Establishing an effective perimeter is essential to ensuring the safety of the city and the convention," Gibson-Cicchino said. 

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