Wisconsin lawmakers introduce bipartisan resolution to honor victims, heroes of Waukesha parade tragedy

NOW: Wisconsin lawmakers introduce bipartisan resolution to honor victims, heroes of Waukesha parade tragedy

WAUKESHA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- This week, lawmakers will honor the victims and heroes from the Waukesha Christmas parade. 

A bipartisan resolution will be voted on at the Capitol on Thursday, Jan. 20, to pay tribute to those who lost their lives and their family members. 

"It's a resolution, it recognizes those who have been lost and those who have been injured and those who helped out," said State Rep. Scott Allen (R-Waukesha). 

Rep. Allen said this resolution is so people know that leaders recognize what happened that day, and they recognize the work done by first responders and everyone there.

"There are so many people that in the moment of need, when EMS staff was not on-site, provided comfort and aid to people who needed it," said Rep. Allen.

He said he's thankful for the bipartisan support.

"We've all attended parades, we've all watched parades, many of us have participated in parades, and we can empathize, we can put ourselves in that situation," said Rep. Allen.

Looking to the future, he said he hopes keeping this in our memory prevents future tragedies.

"Nobody wants to experience what happened on Nov. 21, nobody," said Rep. Allen.

He said he hopes lawmakers can work to find a way to prevent things like this from happening.

"To help those who are entangled in the criminal justice system, but also to make sure we're protecting the public from truly violent individuals," said Rep. Allen.

EMS and law enforcement will also be saluted for their heroic actions that day. 

"We can't undo what has happened or occurred," said Rep. Allen. "So some might say this resolution doesn't do anything...but it's the least we can do is to recognize." 

The resolution will be voted on in the Wisconsin State Assembly. 
